Contact Don Foerster with questions regarding zoning and permits.
Phone: (812) 367-2280 ext. 109
Please submit the completed and signed permit application along with the application fee.
All permit applications should be submitted to the Ferdinand Town Hall at 2065 Main Street.
Located at Town Hall
Jan. – Oct. | Fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM.
Nov. – Dec. | Third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM.
Located at Town Hall
Jan. – Oct. | Fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM.
Nov. – Dec. | Third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM.
Permit fees vary from $10 – $100 based on fair market value (FMV) and district. See the chart below for the breakout per Ordinance 1997-03.
Please submit the completed and signed permit application along with the application fee.
All permit applications should be submitted to the Ferdinand Town Hall at 2065 Main Street.
Please submit the completed and signed permit application along with the application fee.
All permit applications should be submitted to the Ferdinand Town Hall at 2065 Main Street.
Permit fee is $25 plus bond requirements.
See Application for permit fees.
The provisions on Stormwater Drainage Control are found at Chapter 8.10 of the Municipal Code. The storage of and controlled release of stormwater runoff is required by Ordinance 02-6, as amended. The release rate of storm water from developed lands cannot exceed the release rate from the land area in its present land use. These matters are referred to Steve Grundhoefer, the Town’s engineer. There are limited exceptions to the stormwater control policy. Developments which are exempt by size are subject to further regulation if, within a five year period, the cumulative increase of the impervious or semi-impervious surfaces is, in the aggregate, 10,000 square feet or greater (residential or commercial development) or 5,000 square feet or greater (industrial development). Permit review fees are due at the time of submission.
Storm Water Fee: