Avenue of Flags Sign Up – Kiwanis Club of Ferdinand
It’s time to renew or sign up for the Ferdinand Kiwanis Avenue of Flags and show your patriotic spirit by having a beautiful American flag displayed at your home or business on six special flag holidays. Flags will be placed for Memorial Day, Flag Day (including Juneteenth and Heimatfest dates), Fourth of July, Labor Day through September 11th, and Veterans Day.
Participants must reside within town limits, and the sign-up deadline is May 1st. Subscription requests can be sent to the Kiwanis Club of Ferdinand, P.O. Box 83, Ferdinand, IN 47532. All profits from this project directly support local schools within the SE Dubois School Corporation, the Heimatfest Teen Ambassador scholarships, and the Birdseye and Ferdinand town libraries.
Join us in celebrating our nation’s pride while supporting meaningful community causes. Sign up today and be part of this honored tradition!